Contract Negotiation Updates for September 28th, 2020 thru October 9th, 2020:
Proposals were exchanged on September 17th, 2020.
Local 962 Negotiating Team comprises: Tommy Hill (IBEW International Representative 10th District), Terry Williams (Local 962 Business Manager), Miles Bell (Local 962 President), Seth Caison (Local 962 Executive Board Member), and Jeff Edwards (Local 962 Vice President).
The first day of negotiations have concluded. The top two items for Duke (“The Company”) are the Line Apprentice Program/Progression Training and the Availability Standard. The Company acknowledges the need to modify the current Availability Standard. Local 962 and The Company’s negotiating teams are exploring options for a fair Availability Standard that meets customer needs while balancing family life for Local 962 Linemen.
The Line Apprentice Program/Progression Training was briefly discussed and is being held until Thursday when The Company’s representatives who are the subject matter experts are available (Keitha Sherrill and Kevyn Fulcher). Local 962 does acknowledge the need for the Line Apprentice Program in order to enhance training and bring The Company up to speed with the Industry Standard. At this time, the Progression Training Program does appear to be similar to what was rolled out for a vote previously; however, there will be additional clarification on items such as Supervisor requirements to get employees prepared for exams.
Other Items discussed, but not ready to be set vote Local 962 voting are:
- The Company proposes to amend the contract to prohibit the swapping/giving away for a callout week if that week is scheduled in conjunction with 2nd The Company desires 2nd shift and callout to be coupled together and separation will not be permitted. Under the current agreement a 962 member is able to give away/swap one without the other.
- Several discussion items for generation have been started and The Company is gathering information to move forward. This includes information pertaining to Certifications, pay for employees working at nuclear sites they are not assigned to, FR clothing, Footwear, and prescription safety eyewear.
- I & C Tech position to be filled by current Lineman in the Line Department. The Company requests to speak with Keitha and Kevyn to determine an appropriate set of requirements for the position.
- Local 962 has requested an Ultrasound for wellness purposes be added to the contract. The Company acknowledges it as a great preventative health care item. The Company states they are exploring it to be added to the Healthcare Insurance Plan, but it is not an item available to be added to the contract.
***It should be noted the information above are NOT contractual agreements and are merely brief points to keep members apprised of the daily discussions.
The second day of negotiations concluded.
The primary topic worked on was the Availability. Exchanges of possible resolutions to the current program were exchanged. The Company brought options to the table, as did Local 962. The Company and 962 broke apart more than once to discuss options proposed and to reconvene to discuss further options. The Company is understanding to 962’s desire to permit Veteran Lineman the option to giveaway callout. The Company is open to transitioning to an off-call monitoring of Lineman response. 962 understands the Company’s need of additional assistance beyond callout. 962 and the Company are exploring options to help balance 962 off-call overtime with family life.
Other items discussed:
- Meal Stipends- specifically being available immediately following a meal break if not in rest
- Pending further information from The Company before 962 will accept/decline/counter
- Removal from service without pay for serious allegations while the investigation is being conducted. There is a stipulation of the option for backpay when re-instated
- Pending further information from The Company before 962 will accept/decline/counter
- Designated Observer (DO)- 962 has requested a DO shall be qualified to perform the work they are observing. The Company is in agreeance to change the current DO requirements
- Tabled until The Company provides additional information from a rough draft of a new Work Method currently being created for implementation
- Personal Holidays- 962 requested for personal holidays to be treated different from vacation, permitting for additional personnel being off above the max on vacation at an Ops center
- The Company is open to permitting a case-by-case exception via the local supervisor based upon workload
- Trainer Classification- 962 requests a Trainer Classification for Lineman assigned to the Training Crews
- The Company is willing to start exploring the position and potentially standing up the title with further discussions to implement once the Training Department (Keitha and Kevyn) are able to aid in the process
- MLK Jr Day- The Company proposes 962 agree to give up a personal holiday in order to have another designated Company holiday
- 962 is not in Agreement
***It should be noted the information above are NOT contractual agreements and are merely brief points to keep members apprised of the daily discussions.
The third day of negotiations have concluded.
The day was spent with several back and forth proposals to resolve the availability issue. Although headway was made, an agreement still has not been agreed upon.
Thursday will start with a round of availability followed by a Progression Program proposal. The proposal is expected to be almost identical to the previous proposal.
***It should be noted the information above are NOT contractual agreements and are merely brief points to keep members apprised of the daily discussions.
The 4th day of Negotiations have concluded.
Great forward progress has been made with Availability and the proposed Line Apprentice/Progression Program. Several other proposals from both sides as well as Discussion Items were discussed. Some tentative agreements have been reached and others are tabled pending additional information that will not be available until the first of next week. MLK Day is still a point of contention and will be further discussed. The Line Apprentice Program material are expected to be available soon and released on the 962 website.
***It should be noted the information above are NOT contractual agreements and are merely brief points to keep members apprised of the daily discussions.
Day 5 of Negotiations is complete with significant forward progress:
- We are still waiting on clarification for a few Generation policies to determine if changes need to be made (Boots, FR clothing, matching pay, Certifications, etc…)
- Several tentative agreements have been reached pertaining to Availability, Progression Training, MLK Day, requested modifications to overtime pay, etc...
- There are more proposals to discuss: GWI, Increase to Shift Differential Pay, etc...
Local 962 and The Company have both tentatively agreed to make concessions in order to set the framework for continued forward progress during Negotiations.
***It should be noted the information above are NOT contractual agreements and are merely brief points to keep members apprised of the daily discussions.
Local 962 and The Company have agreed not to meet until Tuesday 10/06/20.