
IBEW logo_2012

Application Instructions:

You must fill both forms (see link below) in order to apply for membership to Local 962. The forms must be filled out in their entirety. When completing the forms you need to select a Type of Membership: "A" or BA". For clarification between the two please go to this link: "A" and "B" Membership

* Most Members are B Members. An A Membership is typically if you intend on leaving Local962 in order to travel with another IBEW Local and no longer work at Duke Energy. There are some other benefits described in the link above.

Online Application Process:

Unfortunately, he application process is not possible online at this time.

Print and Mail or Email Application Process:

You may open the forms in the link below and print them to complete by hand. Please mail or email the completed application and Payroll Deduction Dues form. or Office address 1327 Beaman Pl. #B5, Greensboro, NC 27408.